Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Laura "hollow gam" Ingraham on Imus this morning...

And I'm prepared to say it flat out, she sounded terrible.
Hoarse, creaky, tired, dispirited, and worst of all repetitive.
Her one memorable bon mot was a tattered comparison of John Kerry to R2 D2...which was straight out of the dog eared anti-Al Gore playbook.
I think she is finally building up a tolerance to Dartmouth's famous secret hangover cure.
Either that or the salubrious locality she indwelleth is experiencing a nux vomica famine.
Whatever the reason, Laura was down in the dumps today...even that senile fraud Don Imus sensed it.
At one point Laura roused herself to do one of her signature inane impersonations, this time of U.N. Secretary General Kofi Anan and Imus just growled low into the microphone..."You know I don't like it when you do voices..."
Laura dropped the comedy routine immediately.
Pretty big climb down for a one time apex predator maximum damage monkey...I mean when feeble old Don Imus starts slapping you down it's time to check into Betty Ford. She was also compelled under the circumstance to express a patently phony shock and horror at the allegations that U.S. troops have been torturing Iraq prisoners in Baghdad.

And yet I can recall in palmier times a mere three months ago Milady Tedium thundered righteously into Imus' telephone:
"George Bush DIDN'T ignore the screams of Iraqi women and children in the torture chambers!!!!"
What a difference a mere ninety plus days makes eh?
NOW TODAY on Imus Laura the Loud was trying to be all grave and judicial...dumping on General Karpinsky, the head of the military prison system in Iraq for being a fool and a dimwit.
It's always funny in a sad way when an obnoxious case of arrested development like Laura tries to act all mature-like.
The results are NOT pretty my friends.
However I don't quite understand Laura's sudden conversion to the cause of justice and human rights.
I mean think about it?
Said General has countenanced the torture of Iraqi P.O.W.s and accused terrorists.
What is the problem...isn't torture and mayhem a major plank in rightical chic talk radio's platform?
Ghod Every day Jay Severin is screaming for jihad along with a chorus of other AM yakkers and social climbing rightical chic pudknockers.
Why all the squeamishness now?

It is always disconcerting when a radio demagogue flip flops like that.
For what it's worth take Laura's "shock and horror" act as a signifier as to how much of a setback this whole horrific situation is for her beloved La Famiglia Arbusto.
That is all I can take out of it.
Meanwhile let tomorrow's headline read "Drunken Fembot Denounces Torture in Iraq"

Such is the Kingdom of Heaven
On the Congressionally Licensed
Public Airwaves
And Elsewhere
7:52am EST

God Save the Republic...

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