Thursday, February 10, 2005

Condi's condemnation...

It is appalling to note that Komrade Kim, Supreme Socialist Autocrat of North Korea, is a dyed in the wool member of the "reality based community". What else can explain his perfectly timed of the announcement that North Korea has got the atom bomb? Closemouthed Condi, the U.S. Courtier of State just got done hurling her defiance at Iran and it's alleged nuclear weapons program when Kim that bandy legged bastard shook out his feathers and let out the primal nuclear scream heard round' the world.
Whenever North Korea starts getting its isotopes in a bunch, a strange bumptious senility steals over the Bush Admin. They go from strutting Global State Trooper to a querulous harassed clerk bleating about six power agreements and "consultations". The transformation is both instructive, comical, and frightening.
Kim has the bomb and as usual will play hardball with everyone in sight to keep his shithouse up and running. So far he has done an admirable job of using the alleged warheads to blackmail the world for food and other necessities of life. If he is smart, smart like Castro say, that is all he will do.
Selling one of those sonsabitches to the Young Fanatic (or whoever) is a one way ticket to global catastrophe. Given our low troop levels in South Korea, Kim has to realize any US war plan must include the use of tactical nuclear weapons to forestall an attack by his armies. Still and all that, true pimps are disinclined to cut off the easy money by burning down their own brothels. That much is in our favor-for the moment.
So our best hope on the Korean Peninsula seems to be that we are dealing with a gangster. One that is both rational and corrupt.

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