The President is reading his State of the Union Address to both Houses of Congress tonight. Pity the poor reps and senators who must listen to this cheap, cruel, puerile man as he stumbles through a lifeless text written at a fifth grade level. Dumbing down starts at the top don’cha know.
Meanwhile, we read with the utmost hilarity that the RNC has inserted a fawning courtier into the White House Press Corpse whose job it is to ask abjectly groveling questions of the Commander in Chief. Jeff Gannon is the White House correspondent for “” an affiliate of, itself a web site dedicated to ideological warfare (a’la the Chimes at Midnight). In a briefing that deals in the opposition of senate democrats to Bush’s social security privatization scheme, Jeff’s job is to ask “How are you going to work with people who seem to have divorced themselves from reality?” Even more blatant howlers are on the record if anyone would care to look them up.
Has there ever been a President so dependent on flatters, courtiers, and outright worshippers to function? Why is it that Bush needs to pack every room and institution he interacts with be it the CIA or the White House Press Association with grinning toadying henchmen? Sycophancy cheapens discourse and corrodes excellence in the Aristotelean sense of the term.
Yet somehow like some declining Hapsbourg Emperor Bush-an alleged grown adult man, can’t seem to accomplish anything without his Imperial Court and servile lackeys. It is a disgusting spectacle for anyone raised in the austere tradition of our flattery hating founding fathers.
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