Friday, February 04, 2005


the Globe's op-ed page has entered the awful midwinter doldrums. Scot Lehigh fruitlessly attempts to draw his hero Mitt Romney and Senator Kerry into a fight. Jeff Jacoby recycles his old "Bush-hatred-is-a-ba-ad-thing" rap for the umpteenth time in the past five years.
Humble Elias has his doubts, the Bible rails against "bearing false witness" and suchlike, but it doesn't have much to say good or bad about hating and hatred. Nowhere in the ten commandments does it say "thou shalt not hate"...let alone "thou shalt love with all your heart the delights of Jeff Jacoby's paltry life".
On the other hand, the Bible does explicitly decry pagan idolatry and the worship of false Gods. Guven the veneration poured over the President by his followers, is it any wonder that old-timey true believers out there should denounce and defy his curiously un-christian cult of personality?
What is worse Jeff? Bush hatred or Bush idolatry?

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