Monday, March 14, 2005

Hope Chests and Dope Slaps...

Jeff Jacoby was back on his high horse yesterday criticizing criticizing same sex marriage with his usual gay abandon.
A less subtle blogger than I might ask where a notoriously pious Jew gets off legislating anyone else's marital status given the fact that his nation was treated like diseased cattle through two thousand years of European history. Hell back in the bucolic liberal days of Renaissance Venice, Jews couldn't own property, had to live in Ghettos, their lives were proscribed by unfair laws and bullying local customs. A less subtle blogger than I might ask "Who is Jeff to get in anyone's face about marriage given the lamentable history of anti-semitism in the West"?
Fortunately though, I am NOT that blogger. Jeff's religion is his own business, and he'll have to honor his history in his own fashion.
I do try in my little way to build up secular civilization, to make it a seemly thing for all citizens-thats my thang. If Jeff wants to tear it all down on behalf of some book he thinks divine, well so be it. A man's religion is his own business.
There is one simple question though, that Jeff ought to answer. Forget all his usual blather about judicial elites, media snobs or pinkos on campus.

Can he tell us, clearly and concisely, under what terms will gays be allowed to live in our civil society?

And why does he and his fellow true believers feel themselves qualified to set terms for a minority of the electorate?

I think he owes us a list here, what shall they be permitted to do, what shall be withheld by force of law?
That is what it really comes down to as I see it.

I think Jacoby could do it in a single column...but of course you'll never read such a thing to put his thoughts out there so plainly violates all the tenets of the modern conservative punditariat.

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