Thursday, March 03, 2005

Jacoby "eulogizes" Thompson

Good Ghod But Jeff Jacoby is a ruthless little praetorian bastard isn’t he? There are never any inappropriate times to wallow in one’s agenda with that guy.
He has an “obit” today for the late Hunter S. Thompson that is utterly churlish in every way. Jeff seems rotten glad that Thompson died and postively gleeful that it was a suicide as it gives the Globe columnist a chance to sanctimoniously lecture the serfs about the evils of suicide and the drug culture.
Forget about respect for the dead, the man who sermonized a few short weeks ago on the evils of “Bush Hatred” now dumps all over the Thompson family in their hour of grief. Jeff is a shrill little toady there are no other words for it. Jeff simply doesn't approve of their reaction to his suicide, and so much be chastised in the public prints. Jacoby, that laughing young senescence, demands sacerdotal respect for his idols but all others are fair game.
Pricks like Jeff need to ideologically colonize all debates no matter how tasteless it may seem. Why else would he end today’s column with a preposterous comparison between the Pope’s quiet suffering and Hunter S. Thompson’s “death wish”? This was a notion first bandied about by Michael Medved on BCTV last Saturday, clearly jeff has nothing better to do on the weekends but look for column ideas from Mother Angelica.
There is just no point in demanding fairness or adherence to the rules of debate from these people. The Marquis of Queenberry's elegant are wasted on the Jeff Jacoby's of this world. Drunk on triumph, they are loud, cruel, and boorish.


Alas poor Hunter though. It is a world run by vicious reptiles and wild dogs these days. And even the worst of these whipped curs will come out from their rat holes to tear at the flesh of a aging freak from Colorado.

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