Thursday, March 24, 2005

If poor Terry Schiavo dies

before the Pope, how long before Tom Delay hauls her husband's ass before congress for the usual drumhead congressional kangaroo kourt?
I mean Delay is practically obligated to so something having called Michael Schiavo a terrorist, murderer and barbarian. Frankly it if was within Delay's power, Michael Schiavo would be behind barbed wire right now and god-damn the law and the judge's of the republic.
I think Delay has been backed into a corner here, he's reacted with the usual rightical chic emotionalism and for once the country couldn't care less. This is a fatal weakness of movement conservatism, being so ideologically sure gives them the impetus tp respond to everything in some predictably overwrought fashion. Its like the Yippies, they were always feeling first and thinking later,except this bunch is incalculably more dangerous.
So look for Michael Schiavo to be sweating it all out under the kleig lights, Delay has promised blood to the GOP's base he has to deliver.

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