Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Injustice Sunday or Fristian Moral Life...

There are those out there assert the Senate Majority Leader's current assault on the Senate's admittedly retrograde filibuster rules to be a form of appalling religious fanaticism. If the democrats jawbone Cotton Matherish judicial nominees it must come of a party-wide disdain for religious feeling and therefore the filibuster must go in order to safeguard the people of God.
Or so Senator Frist's logic runs.
Indeed the Majority Leader rants on and on and leaves us all with the impression that next to Satan himself, the filibuster looms large as a 200 year old obstacle to religious life in America.
However, you have to admit, Frist and his minions would just as soon use the filibuster to block "leftist" nominees if the tables where turned such is the depth of their commitment to craven opportunistic practices.

So clearly, whatever the current controversy is about, religion isn't a part of it.
Why then would a grown adult man carry in such a brazenly hypocritical fashion?

I think Frist is under some pressure from the White House to get these yaps confirmed by fair means or foul. Being a man of Presidential ambitions himself and knowing the scope and power of Bush's fiat, Senator Frist has seized upon the christian motif as a cover for this blatant usurpation of power.
So this is all an exercise in low royalism from out the Bush White House I say. Remember,the way you achieve power ever after affects the way one uses power. Look at Richard III, he offed his own nephews in order to seize power and shortly became a tyrant in extremis, the blood of his own instantly corrupting Richard's kingly prospects. Bush have seized power via judicial decree in 2000 has since then come to rely on a certain obnoxious pushiness to get what he wants whenever the going gets tough.
Look at the way GWB's trusted courtiers on the Hill imitate him...Tom Delay packs the Ethics Committee with lackey and fundraising vassals, Senator Cornyn drones through threats at the judiciary and Bill Frist screams for the power to suppress the Senate's minority party once and for all.
All very medieval and brutal and all coming from the top down.
These are ruthless corrupt men in every way, like the Dukes and Earls who clustered around the Duke of Gloucester or the lackeys who once coddled Kaiser Wilhelm.
They have known no rebuke these last five years and can be relied upon to do even worse in the months and years to go. Naught but power in the old fashioned James Monroe-Federalist Papers sense of the term will constrain them.


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