Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A Putsch in Caucasiastan

Mike Barnicle nobly throws himself over the side in order to be spared the humiliation of being laid off.
If he was a REAL blue collar tribune he'd a known you always wait for the Boss to lay you off so you can qualify for unemployment!
Ah but Mike is ever the populist contrarian, a lavish lover of people, an ineptoid when it comes to persons.
I'll miss him, but this whole sad fling with the Herald does reveal there is no room for a second act - certainly not when there is no new material in it.
Well, lets look at the bright side, this will give Mike more time to call up the Imus in the Morning Program to cry on the I-Man's sagging old shoulder and squawk "President Bush is just a really great guy I-I just LIKE HIM thats all!"

More Bad News

The Romney is a Fraud Blog is going on permanent hiatus starting today. Apparently they think Mitt is finished with the Commonwealth next year...I only wish I had their confidence. Hell who am I kidding? I need the click throughs! Cosmo Macero has his hands full at the Herald, Dimmy Karras has left Boston and blogs mostly on sports topics these days, Lis Riba has cut us dead...YIPES! What will the "Little Blog that Cried" do-ooo!?
Let me at least pay tribute to RiaF, it was a wonderful read, a scandal to the Admin, and a beacon of hope to people like me who think we can do better than a loafer and shyster like Mitt Romney.
Ben will be missed.

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