Sunday, April 03, 2005

Jacoby today...

offers up a grudgingly fair minded column on the supremacy of the law in the Schiavo case. Although he does succumb to the freeper-ish temptation to refer to it as a “court order death”. Indeed...isn’t every death sentence handed down in the Texas Utopia a “court ordered death”?
Well whatever, Jeff’s attitude towards the law seems to roughly parallel the line taken by this blog...I wonder if he is a reader?
Cause I use the click throughs - especially now.

Of course, others on the right have not been quite so high minded. It is worth noting that Jeff has maintained an admirable and decorous silence as Congressman Delay screamed threats at the judiciary from the steps of the Capitol and the talk show yaps howled murder and worse on the public airwaves.
Jeff is sort of naive when it comes to rightical chic outrages. He sees Jeb Bush’s calling off the state police bid to reattach Terry Schiavo’s feeding tube as due deference to the law. I see it as a ominous sign of the sheer absolutism that habitually infects La Famiglia Arbusto. The fact that Jeb was even considering such a move is a sure sign of the law’s imperiled state, you can bet the next Terry Schiavo case will end differently based on what we saw last week.
Moreover none of these excesses will make Jacoby’s annual “hate speech round up” come December 2005. Conscience or not, absolving conservatives is something Jacoby does with a great deal of child-like gusto.

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