Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Globe is trying to build up

the current morning after pill legislation, now headed for the Governor's desk, as the clash of civilizations crapola. Mitt's newly minted sterling conservatism versus the Great and General Court's ever roilin' liberalism....yadda yada yadda look for the usual cliches from the usual suspects.
in fact this whole situation is a good illustration of Mitt's fast shrinking political prospects. Think about it, if he signs it with the usual whining about his private beliefs versus public promises, the out of state wowsers will go predictably apeshit and Mitt will look weak.
If he vetoes the bill, Romney will once again appear to be toadying up to the GOP's theocrats. Again...he will look weak.
Is this the same guy that Scot Lehigh etc insists has superlative political skills?
Mitt has painted himself into so many easily avoided corners that I've lost count.
I mean god forbid he should try to address any issues from the perspective of what is good for Massachusetts.
Alas Mitt is long past that, he has mortgaged himself and his alleged ideals to a fanciful dream of ice cream socials in the Rose Garden...all else that follows is tedious and sadly predictable.

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