Monday, July 11, 2005

An Idle Conjuration...

I sometimes think, on the basis of the scant evidence available to a blogger, that George Bush Jr might just be the first non-literate President of the United States. A harbinger if you will, of the coming reign of the completely illiterate.
Certainly Bush knows how to read, but has no appreciation of reading as an activity nor any real use for it.
Sadly, this is the coming type in US Politics. Unlettered, unread, comtemptuously assured in all things and an insufferable philistine.
Truly outside of school, has Bush ever read a book of his own volition?
I doubt it.
Hell I doubt he has ever read the Baptist Bible whose Sharia type rules he seeks to impose on us all.
Damn, even Reagan read westerns and Harry Truman that proud High School Graduate, read everything he could lay hands on.
Not Bush though, he doesn't need books to tell him the shape of things to come, he has the blissful eye of faith.

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