Friday, July 01, 2005

The Song of the Bankrupt

Apparently the President's speech the other night got very low ratings...few people actually watched.
Well its not hard to understand why, the President is morally and politically bankrupt. As a result the polity ignores him and will continue to do so until the bill comes in for the war on terror or he introduces conscription.
The public sighs and is resigned to Bush be it his tangled syntax or his bumbling ideologically driven ways.
However being philosophically destitute hasn't prevented Bush from being re-elected or from acculmulating even greater increments of raw power. He is out of ideas, incapable of listening to good advice, laughably corrupt, and hell bent on his own jealous bitter crusades no matter what the cost...and yet nothing restrains him.
This strange dichotomy the ever increasing autonomy combined with the rapid decline in conservative ideology is a strange hallmark of the current regime. By any normal definition of politics Bush would be trapped in the White House right now, hounded by a half dozen investigations and frantically dodging process servers.
Certainly controlling congress helps, the absolute abandonment of the news media from any pretense of covering Bush objectively (how many of Rove's traps have these pompous dimwits at CBS and NBC fallen into nigh these past five years?)and the public's utter torpidity all play a part.
Ah but then there is Bush's own particular skill to contend with, embittered, narrow-minded, arrogant, and corrupt he is also one who has mastered the art of making decline and declinism work for him.
He is a virtuoso of degeneration in so many ways.

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