Thursday, April 26, 2007

As Predictable as mud in March...

John McCain piles into the race for President.
The above article contains the above suggestive quote:
"I think he's a man that offers stability and a man that's been tested," said the Rev. John Ross, 50, of Kittery, Maine. "And we need that in America today."
Yeah Right...he is plenty stable til the waiter screws up the order and then it's Katey-bar-the-door!
It is ironic that McCain is running on his good judgement because it's clear he hasn't declined many bad ideas these past six years and certainly he can't see anything wrong with our current misadventure in Iraq.
The best Old John can offer us is a promise to do everything Bush has done but somehow do it all right. If you liked George, then you will love John.
Can't say as that formulation necessarily bespeaks any kind of good judgement.

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