Sunday, April 01, 2007

If the Iranian seizure of fifteen British Tars

on the high seas can drive the price of gas to $2.65 a gallon plus at the pump here in America, imagine the cost-per-barrel spike when the US Air Force starts dropping daisy-cutters in and around Tehran.
And what...has Jeff Jacoby, Dick Cheney, their so called President and the rest of the war party's giddiest done to prepare the American people for the possibility of an oil-drive recession here at home?
Patently nothing.
The can't do anything like that because it would tip their hand since their policy to sneak this new war up on the citizenry.
I'm sure the stealth and guile of their scheme seems very impressive to the casual observer, but it is built on the fatally naive' premise that victory is mere matter of willpower (in the crudest Allen Druryean sense) and careful press management.
The reality is, no such policy can long be sustained if it results in economic paralysis at home and a concurrent drop in the standard of living.
As a matter of fact, if the price goes up far enough and fast enough, I wouldn't give two plugged nickles for any of the President's celebrated truculence and clarity of vision.

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