Tuesday, April 17, 2007

On the day after the massacre

It is important to remind ourselves of two mutually depressing notions:
That a lunatic with homicide on the mind always has the advantages of stealth and surprise on their side. They can pick the time of their mayhem and act with celerity. Law enforcement on the other hand, at the moment of truth always lags behind the determined mass murderer.
What I am saying here is, we can never be safe from these people.

Two: Given the fact that the "gun population" of the Republic, outnumbers the human population by many millions of firearms and the fact that gun owners outnumber voting liberals by many millions and you get the broad and depressing parameters of our current situation. One guy with two pistols and a thirst for kill on a campus swarming with armed police...everyone was armed and nothing was stopped til the last bullet.

This is our future kids, it is staring right in the face so get used to it.

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