Friday, March 21, 2008

So tell us Speaker DiMasi...

What is the plan to handle this little problem?

Well once again the Commonwealth has tried to do what the Federal Government refuses to do and close the health care gap.
And as usual the systemic costs are piling up like bat guano.
It is axiomatic for me at least the individual states are poorly positioned and capitalized to take on the ongoing health care gap in the USA.
But then what can anyone do? This situation has been forced on us and the other forty nine by the inability of anyone in Washington to break the deadlock.
The Presidency has been in the hands of stupid selfish witlings and congress is splendidly inert when it isn't wallowing in HMO lobbyist money like pigs on a farm.
The result is, stalemate.
I for one am getting damn sick and tired of being told, of what cannot be done...anyone else sick of stalemate?

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