Thursday, March 20, 2008

Well...Sal DiMasi doesn't want casinos...

He doesn't want them in the worst possible way. And what the hell got his wish, fair enough casinos are a bad idea classic sort money low cost "problem appeasement".

But...if the Great-n-General Court isn't gonna dee-bate casinos, then are they any more inclined to debate the state's fiscal policy at all?
Humble Elias thinks that the current casino vote is sadly symptomatic of Beacon Hill's approach avoidance complex when it comes to discussing new sources of state revenues.
It would be nice if Speaker DiMasi would enlighten us as to what his plan is to make up our looming budget shortfalls, he could start with a practical plan to reign in the Commonwealth's health care costs.

And believe me we can't hide our heads in the sand on that one, some say the clock is ticking away.

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