Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Good thing he found himself a shotgun...

because otherwise Jim D. Adkisson might never have been able to register his profound disapproval of the liberal policies practiced by his local Unitarian Universalist church.

Imagine the shrieks of outrage, the howls of anger from poor hunted persecuted wingnut columnists if some geek from NARAL got themselves a Mac-10 and decided to shoot up her or his local Baptist megachurch?

Every last religiously insane enabler in this republic of ours, from Sean Hannity and Michael Savage down to our own Jeff Jacoby would bellow for stakes and torches.
Such is the degraded state of politics and political debate in our country as it staggers on to it's third century as a Republic.
Good grief what is it about these freaks when it comes to guns and god and vengeance???
The three go together like Moe Larry and Curly if you don't believe me, tune into the AM dial today, you'll hear it all in explicit detail.

Good ghod, shooting up the local Unitarian Universalist church...if it didn't end in a slaughter it'd be almost ridiculous to recount.

God help us all, god bless the victims.

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