Friday, July 25, 2008

Whenever Jeff Jacoby

tries to play the sunny Reaganistic optimist...whenever he opens that smug pie hole of his to warble "Everything is comin' up roses" then it is inevitably time to go on home, board up the windows, buy a six month suppy of K-rations and crouch behind sandbags in the basement clutching a tire iron.
A bare two days ago, he and Phil Gramm (Senator McCain's ex-economic advisor) came to the conclusion that the current recession was brought on by an excess of gloom and doom editorials from da liberal media.
THAT is why you are paying $4 a gallon for Saudi is Paul Krugman's damn fault.
Mean while down in Taunton Massachusetts outrages such as this are going on.

Honestly, Jeff is intellectually exhausted in every way, nothing else explains such delusional rubbish.

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