Sunday, July 13, 2008


The fact that Joanie Vennochi wants State Senator Jim Marzilli to resign is all by itself almost a good reason to keep him in office til the end of his term.
After all, even Massachusetts State Senators are guilty until proven innocent...oh wait that is other way around...right?

Meanwhile back on Beacon Hill that tranquil island of simple probity, politicians are cheating on their wives, taking chump change bribes from the usual hoodlums and scoring big as boodling lobbyists when they return to the "private sector".

But Jim must go, he has offended the sensibilities of a notoriously high minded bunch.

I don't know if Marzilli should stay or go, I'm just glad he got caught before something really awful happened...

Otherwise it seems strange to me that the people that want him OFF the public payroll have not problem with paying double on his room and board in Walpole.

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