Sunday, August 10, 2008

Meanwhile back on Mount Olympus...

You have to go a long way to find a politician more petulant and easily bored than George Herbert Walker Bush Jr.
There he was at the Opening ceremonies for the Olympics on Friday niht, allegedly representing us, th' good guys, sprawled in his seat coatless with tie askew like a brat who is bored to tears by Sunday School.
Or maybe he is off his meds...that could be.
Anyway, whatever the reason, thanks to this puerile performance you can just feel the esteem for the USA being radiated by all the other nations therein represented.
I'll say this much, Laura Bush may be a proper passive-aggressive wingnut wife, but at least she was well put together, alert and smiling through out the protracted and somewhat overdone ceremonies in Beijing.
She at least can suppress her boredom and "live in the moment".
Not her husband though, at a time when the USA needs all the prestige it can get, his slovenly appearance and palpable resentment makes the whole republic look ugly and haughty.
Eight years of my life gone with this guy, and still he hasn't got the class God gave a Houston pimp.

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