Wednesday, August 06, 2008

So when did Winning in America

turn into Winning-at-any-Cost?

Case in point can be found here:

You can't really describe the NRA as an organization or a constituency on the brink of disintegration, yet here they are twenty years on top of the world with a death grip on the US Constitution and still they are allegedly spying on the competition.
"Winning ugly" seems to be the new Aristotlean standard for excellence in Washington DC.
Well...what can I say, when you steal a presidential election there are unintended consequences bad values at the top mean bad values leach down and down thru the ranks.
So of course the NRA is spying on handgun control lobbyists, it is a savage Hobbesian world out there (so their argument runs)and the only props are given to those who have mastered Potomac Kung Fu "stab em' in the back, cut them off at the knees & kick em' when they are down".
Oh and you need lots of guns too...
Maybe they all spy on one another, which seems to be a new low for lobbying in Washington, with any luck this heralds the downfall of the breed...but I doubt it.

No these are Mencken's fabled "star spangled men", lusty acolytes of Shakespeare's false godling, Commodity, no foulness is beyond them. Aye these are the sons of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln...proud inheritors all.
What are buildable plots going for in the Baja? I feel a need for a new start somewhere far away.

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