Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Reading the veep-leaves

The New York Times by way of Raw Story sez Senator Obama has made up his mind on a VP nominee.

The finalists are said to be Evan Bayh, Virginia Governor Tim Kaine and Joe Biden...

Sorta hopin' it isn't Biden... no offense, I know him to be a smart and able man in some respects, but he also shoots off his mouth a bit too much for comfort. Biden also brings little electoral strength to the table, Delaware hardly being a swing state at this point.
No..Evan Bayh might put Indiana in play as would Tim Kaine in Virginia...those are important practical considerations.
I guess my boy Bill Richardson is shit outa luck again as is Wesley Clark, alas the Former NATO general would be an intriguing choice with much strength all over the map to draw on.

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