Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The 4th Middle$ex $tate $enate Race....

I have come to the conclusion that without the firm support of union firefighters especially those that live far outside the senate district, Ken Donnelly would have a hard time getting elected to town meeting in Arlington...and we have actual canines and sundry pets lawfully elected to town meeting in Arlington.
Donnelly's current campaign finance filings reveal a heavy influx of union money especially firefighter unions and affiliated political action committees these would include firefighters from as far away as Utah and San Francisco.
I have to wonder about the strategic thinking among firefighters in San Francisco and Utah...California has a republican governor with a zeal for budget cutting and Utah is bleeding red state of the first rank. You'd think they'd wanna keep their money at home and see what it could get started....
Frankly Humble Elias doesn't see how either group benefits from electing Ken Donnelly to the state senate in far off Massachusetts save perhaps some sort of firefighter bragging rights.

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