Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Today's Palin revelation

in addition to being a loopy mother, a corruptionist of the first rank and a gun worshipper...we can add that apparently McCain's VP pick is also a Falangist of some type.
This is downright creepy mah frenz how this in fact jibes with McCain's "Amurrica Furst" theme is a holy mystery.
I will wager that you don't have to dig far into the ranks of the Alaskan Independence Party to find all the usual white supremacist hogwash...this report from the Southern Poverty Law Center is certainly food for thought.
Well...what of it?
Is Sarah Palin corrupt? What Alaska republican doesn't have their mitts deep into a slush fund of one type or another. Fully half the delegates to the current GOP national convention have something going good on the side.
Is Sarah Palin personally weird alternating between debased book worship and a sad primitive veneration for fire-arms common to indigenous tribes of New Guinea?
Again that must be 100% of the delegates....
Is she a falangist? Well so is the Vice President of the USA...Sarah Palin has nothing in common with the mainstream of public opinion in the USA but she is perfect fit with the cult that is today's republican party.
Honestly though, if the "Bill Clinton rules of engagement" were being fairly enforced by the news media, Ms. Palin would already be booted off the ticket in disgrace.
Oh and this is just sad, they are flying the poor pimply lout that got Bristol Palin pregnant to the RNC so he can pretend to be her fiancee or some embarrassing shit like that.
Honest to Ghod these people have no shame whatsoever.
They also the most callous ineptiods I've ever seen, this whole sad situation is the GOP's idea of a virgin sacrifice to the propitiate the Gwds of Traditional Family Values...sad to see isn't it?

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