Friday, September 05, 2008

As for John McCain...

The republican national convention is a group composed equally of bloated corruptards and outright revolutionaries sodden with the expectation of one day being the dominant political actor in a de facto one party state.
Preaching bipartisanship to such a rabble is akin to trying to teach a bunch of blood soaked druids to ditch human sacrifice in favor of the Baltimore Catechism.
Indeed no political party in the history of this nation has done more to destroy bipartisanship than the modern GOP. Newt Gingrich shot when it's back was turned in 1995 and George Bush Jr. buried it's still flailing self alive in 2001.
The damage is so severe and so extensive that I've told politically minded friends of mine that we shan't see bipartisanship make any sort of a real comeback in the political life of the United States in our lifetimes.
But there was Old John last night groaning and gasping that he can somehow govern from a center that his own party helped destroy.
Marx would call this a "contradiction"...Humble Elias just thinks it is plain foolishness and a good indication of how out of touch McCain really is.

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