Friday, May 15, 2009

"What did Nancy Pelosi Know, and When Did She Know It?"

I got one answer to this mishaugas, who the f*ck cares?
The then minority leader of the US House doesn't decide on a policy of torture for "enemy combatants", no that one was handed down by our then failed oilman president and his megalomaniacal vice president.
If this nation is dishonored, it's proud tradition human rights advocacy stained, and our global standing diminished well it is Bush and Cheney's god-damned fault, Nancy Pelosi had nothing to do with it.
Oh the enablers, sleazy rightical chic scumbags like Laura Ingraham are wallowing in this fake controversy, all to obscure the mounting culpability of their beloved President and his brutal little fixer of a VP.
One thing characterizes La Famiglia Arbusto, they are never called to account for their crimes...but Bush Jr believes in a book-worshipper's heaven so if there is JUSTICE in the Celestrial Firmament he will face those he ordered tortured at the Pearly Gates.

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