Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Thought...

Liberals want power in a democratic context, so that they may govern liberally and for the good of the people and nation. If successful they'll take credit, that is pretty much the goals and intentions of most liberals I know.
To be sure, conservative want to govern conservatively and reap credit if success crowns their efforts, so far as that goes they do not differ from liberals in any way.
But...They also have this "destroy liberalism, destroy liberals" fetish as a concurrent ideological goal. Any one of a number of serious name conservatives out there truly believe that movement conservatism can only set up it's Utopia once liberalism has been somehow wiped out.
Now this is a childish notion on the face of it, it is shocking to think grown men believe such rubbish.
Nevertheless front talk radio to the Potomac Think Tanks up to the Halls of Congress, they all writhe in their chairs with sick ecstasy at the thought of doing any sort of damage to the cause of liberalism even if it costs them politically as conservatives.
It is appallingly self destructive to believe you can accomplish such a wholesale ideological expropriation and colonization and still live in a democracy.
But movement conservatives in the US go on believing it all the same.
So in a weird way, we are faced not with one opponent but two, with mere conservatives there can be dialogue but this anti-liberal jihadism thing cannot be negotiated with in any way. Thus we are handicapped in that when we debat we only face half of our opponents, the rest have go to ground to stoke up their resentments anew.
Think about that as we segue into a new round of debate regarding healthcare...

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