Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Somewhere in the life after this one...

Out on a perfect stretch of ocean seemingly off Cape Cod, a boat races thru the waters and Teddy Kennedy laughs.
Because waaa-ay down below, the late Senator's "successor", Scott Brown just found out people are really watching him and are gonna hold his bony ass accountable.
This is a slap in the face of our new Junior Senator who like Mitt Romney believes politics was easy, no one was watching and that populism is a convenient pose with which to fool the marks at election time.
And Scott wonders why Romney was never elected President....
Be that as it may, this "Scott Brown Republican" rubbish won't last til July, not with Mitch McConnell cracking the whip, between the pressure from below and the pressure from above look for Brown to assume the dimensions of a pancake before Labor Day.

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