Thursday, February 11, 2010

Scot Lehigh wistfully

and somewhat halfheartedly tries to rebrand Scott Brown as a moderate. However as of his appearance on the Jeff Santos show yesterday, even Scott Lehigh sounded unconvinced that Senator Brown would anything else except Mitch McConnell's bitch.
In truth, any attempt to coax Brown to the center is doomed to failure, the only thing that movement conservatives hate more than liberals is GOP moderates, a great deal of time, money and rhetorical blood was spent under Presidents Bush to hunt that species into extinction. These days a few of them hang on in a state of groveling terror playing little more than the parts of cheap political whores in the halls of the US Congress.
Did so much as one "GOP Moderate" speak up when Senator Shelby tried to hold the government hostage last week all in the name of a bigger ransom for his state?
So why would Scott Brown want to enter such degraded and impotent ranks?
Otherwise, I'm thinking more and more that Scott Brown's 2010 campaign will be remembered as a perfect example of the sort of instant insurgent candidacy normally favored by the likes of Alan Khazei and Mike Capuano.
"Instant Candidates" like this, will all play the fist pumping outsider and prosper to a certain extent as long as they can get a good internet presence going for fundraising purposes.  All Brown really did was enact the sort of populist campaign that Alan Khazei longed to run.
Truly we will see more Scott Brown type candidacies in both parties going forward....The problem though is, that the electorate is sometimes being asked to "vote first and find out what your populist of choice stands for after the election".

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