Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fifty Two Percent

That is where Former State Senator Scott Brown is currently polling vis a vis the 2012 US Senate election.
Now, to Fox25 News that sounds like a pretty strong mandate, the state's democrats on the other hand think that there is some opportunity there to unseat Brown next year.
Well...only one of them can be right in the weary wicked end.
Given the fluid nature of the race, at this point I'm less interested in who is running and more interested in what will be said.
Beating Scott Brown is going to require ideas, good ones that reach out to a winning majority.
So with all due modesty I'd like to offer a few ideas for the consideration of my readership (all seven of you).
1.) Lower the Medicare qualification age to fifty five. Medicare is a popular program, trust me it outpolls all the private plans out there by a wide margin. Expanding the pool of Medicare recipients ought to be presented as a "health care cost pre-emption" and to a lesser extent an impetus to increased retirement savings. Its a "one card" one off single payer plan that works and works well. Lets put it to work for the working man I say.
2.) Fully electrify the north-east's rail freight lines. Yeah I know, rail travel has few friends in Washington DC, There are ten lobbyists for every member of congress when it comes to polluting industries, but high speed rail?
They get bupkiss.
Electrifying the rail freight network will take hundreds of UPS & Fedex trucks off the road, reduce the regional carbon footprint, cut transport costs at a time when prices are increasing and it will provide some practical heavy-iron type jobs stimulus. It is the sort of investment we ought to be making during hard times in order to hasten back prosperity all the sooner. This is, in sum a good deal for the Massachusetts' consumer.
3.) And while we are at it, lets get that North-South rail link done. Its a cost savings down the line and yet another way to get some local job-stimulus going.
4.) If corporations are people, and the Supreme Court assures us they have free speech rights just like the rest of us, then those self-same corporations ought to be liable for a piece of the ordinary person's tax burden.
Say fifteen percent off the top for social security. This'll help pay for the above expansion in Medicare coverage and remind all and sundry that is corporation's are people then they'll have to pony up just like people. I see this as a hard populist measure that'll create some consequences for the corporatization of politics.
What I'm after here is a program that is progressive in scope, populist in tone and aimed at relieving financial burdens on the working and middle classes either thru job creation or revisions in tax policy.
In all keep it simple and aimed squarely at those two groups...And then ask yourself just how many jobs has Scott Brown brought home to Massachusetts since January of 2010?

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