Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Santorum Uber Alles (For Now)

High Pitched Rick Santorum, Member in Good Standing of the "Future Tyrants of the USA", took three GOP primaries yesterday without really trying at all.

Y'know the conventional wisdom out there, is to attribute "volatility" to the GOP Presidential Race...but if the race is "volatile" it is of a cartoonish variety.
By this I mean, every time, it looks like Mitt Romney is about to seal the deal for good, some GOP primary electorate sucker punches his credulous self and sends The Former Viceroy reeling back to Square One.
The whole thing has become as predictable as a "Tom & Jerry" cartoon.
If this keeps up, Mitt Romney might be the first GOP Nominee with no real "base" in the Republican "Base".
Of course I suspect that Santorum's sudden surge might have a little bit to do with the President's dabbling in social issue of a kind provocative to christian conservative (ergo Santorum's peeps).
Thus for now, thanks to natural selection culling the GOP Presidential Herd, Santorum gets the benefit, but who knows by the time Michigan lights up it might be Gingrich's turn again?
After all there is no one more cartoonish than Newt Gingrich

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