Thursday, May 22, 2003

Time's Arrow, or Ghod save us from our Friends...

I've been meaning to comment (or more appropriately lay the smackdown) on Joe Klein's well meaning "advice to democrats" feature in Time Magazine dated may 19 2003.
I read on the all the kewler sites that Messr. Klein is not a typical DC media whore...that he is capable to enunciating certain liberal principles.
And who knows maybe he is, but this feature article is useful only as a compendium of Capitol Hill cliches' and cherished dish about democrats and democracy in general.
His main thrust is the democrats must "reform" the way they run for President if they wish to win.
He goes on to suggest the current democratic presidential aspirants must come across as more patriotic, must project affability, and "kill the consultants".
No offense Joe but my nine year old niece could come up with suggestions just as banal and she'd throw some pretty crayon renderings of flowers and horses free of charge.
The tone of the article seems to be, smile, wave the flag more and shoot Bob Shrum and somehow magically the democrats will get fair treatment from the mighty media monolith.
Quote the olde misanthrope "what rubbish!"
This is truly hilarious because Klein's advice is little more than the sort of boilerplate hogwash that would be served up by any Junior grade image consultant.
Never mind the fact that the incumbent President is the complete captive of a svengali-like superconsultant...and you can forget about flag waving and smiling a lot...both fruitless activities if the democrats don't have a chance at decent news coverage.
The political parties have never been less relevant, they hang on as fund-raising flags of convenience and are in danger of becoming quaint and inane like the Ohio State Navy or American Broadcasting Company. It's the news media that sets the terms of debate and calculates the score cards today, the dems are at a disadvantage in this environment simply because they lack strident champions.

Quite frankly, it's not the democratic party that needs reform it's the news media. A few more outlets willing to give us a break and little less advice from naive' well meaning insiders like Joe Klein is what we really need.
It's hopelessly fatuous articles like this that make me long in spite of my better judgement for a liberal network, radio show something anything!
I need to be pandered too...I hear it feels great!

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