Monday, June 23, 2003

While our troops in Iraq are getting shot or killed...

at the rate of one per day....our President bravely mounts the steps of Air Force One and goes tear-assing from state to state raising money for his own re-election campaign in 2004.
"We will have more money than God" or so one senior administration official blasphemed to Time Magazine.
Having emptied the U.S. Treasury via "tax cuts" over the last three years Bush now feels he can call in his I.O.U.'s with impunity.
And why not? He has put over 200 billion dollars into the pockets of the richest of the idle rich in America...they in turn will return a about a third of a billion dollars to him in the form of political donations.
What is that a ninety percent return on the investment in just four years?
That 300 million dollars will allow Bush to flood the airwaves with soporific images celebrating his rugged manliness and martial virtues...
Like Lucky Luciano, Bush survives and prospers because he makes money for his partners...not as an oilman or as a baseball team owner, but as the overclass' paid agent in the White House.
I don't like to frame the argument in the form of class conflict, but the metaphor in inescapable when 200 billion dollars is being thrown around so lavishly in the lead up to a National Election.
So in effect, Bush is taxing his own supporters for the real operating costs of his own presidency.

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