Friday, July 25, 2003

The Blame Games

It was Stephen Hadley's fault this week.
Two week's ago it was George Tenet's fault.
Hadley has another week of twisting in the wind before Dick Cheney and Condi Rice desperately dredge up another fall guy in the great "who lied" sweepstakes.
Sad isn't it?
This is Bill Simon's fabled counter elite at work, blame, deny, obfuscate and snarl.
The best and the brightest of the conservative movement, unleashed upon Washington sans let or hindrance....they are a spineless craven bunch in the harsh light of day.
Yet like Halberstam's bunch from a generation ago, they couldn't wait to get themselves a nice war with which to demonstrate their awe inspiring ability.
They couldn't fix Amtrak, no that is too pedestrian no they had to have a war...and from the looks of it they've been planning this war since 1998.
I don't know what is going to stop these people, the democrats are having a hard time for themselves in Bush's Washington.
But I do know nature abhors a political vacuum, and the GOP cannot long run roughshod over the world and the laws of the republic without malign consequences for themselves.
I'm not holding my breath though...hell I think I'll send Grey Davis $200.00 just to start the next war off right.

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