Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Mitt and SuperMitt

Does Brian McGrory actually defecate himself at the mere mention of Mitt Romney's Serene and Inviolate Name?
If so, how does the poor Boston Globe Intern who has to clean up after the metro columnist feel about all this?
Northeastern University work study is hell my friends, never forget that
Along with the death of American Conservatism another of my favorite hobbyhorses is the epidemic of raw sycophancy among the punditariat.
We were once a journalist nation of individualists and contrarians, now to get ahead one must grovel and grovel in a particularly loud and obnoxious fashion before the Accepted Orthodoxy.
So in today's column Brian recounts in breathless toadying detail Mitt Romney's alleged jet ski rescue this weekend of a family whose boat abruptly sank on Lake Winnepausakee.
Y'know what? fine, yay for Mitt he and his oafish sons were the only sober people at the lake this weekend and they did a good deed. However the fact that the famously telephilic Romney declined a CNN interview tells me there might be less to the story than meets the eye.
But ah for Brian McGrory the incident echoes Superman flying off to divert an errant nuclear missile aimed at Hackensack New Jersey. Like all media whores Brian can't resist fantasizing and reminding us that somehow Mitt's predecessors could never be counted upon to effect a similar rescue.
Of course they couldn't Brian, they don't own jetskis, batmobiles and they can't fly through the f*ckin' air!
Brian reserves particular contempt for former Governor Michael Dukakis who is described in morbid detail as being too engrossed in Walter Isaacson's new biography of Ben Franklin to save anyone in peril on the waters.
See how they do it...?
Romney's generous act is somehow proof positive that the last democratic Governor of Massachusetts is a negligent bastard fit only for the stockade.
This is media whoring at it's most basic, sycophantic, and repulsive. Brian's lavish praiseful tone is enough to make me doubt on the basis of no evidence that Romney truly did anything heroic at all.
Hell we'll never know not with Brian McGrory on the job writhing on the ground, yelping, and crawling before the all powerful SuperMitt.

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