Friday, July 11, 2003

Four Years and Three Thousand Lives

Tommy Franks kicked off his retirement yesterday by estimated the U.S. would have to occupy Iraq for the next four years.
This is of course the same General Tommy Franks who obediently yelped "bring it on" after his Commander in Chief was caught acting like a callow blustering hammerhead two weeks ago.
However, you don't earn a General's stars without learning how to count so we can take his four year time scale as a pretty accurate assessment of J.C.S.' thinking.
If we assume a minimum average of two U.S. fatalities a day between now and the spring of 2007 we come up with about three thousand KIA's between then and now.
A drop in the bucket compared to the battle of the Bulge or Guadalcanal.
And it is small beers compared to Viet Nam as well.
But, it is a lot of blood sacrificed on the bogus insistence that Iraq was trying to acquire nuclear weapons.
It's a lot of blood that hasn't yet yielded up Saddam, his murderous sons, Sheik Omar or Osama Bin Laden.
The American People will assume heavy sacrifices in the name of clearly defined goals, they can suck up three thousand casualties without blinking an eye.
However they won't put up with chronic mendacity-especially if it doesn't get results, cupidity, or hapless reactive approach to events.
As always I hope I'm wrong, and I earnestly hope Saddam, Uday, and Qusay get paraded through the streets of Baghdad in an iron cage....but that looks plenty unlikely as of 2:27pm EST 7-11-03
Meanwhile we've blundered into our own little version of the West Bank and we won't be exiting anywhere near as easily.
Thanks George...keep up the fundraising big guy...your donors can't hear the mortar rounds.

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