Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Veep Odds-n-Endz

There is wild talk out there about Dick Cheney resigning the Vice Presidency.
Granted he's effed up everything from the Energy Task Force to the search for WMD's in Iraq, but he is still Halliburton's most successful rainmaker on the Federal payroll.
So I doubt he'll lose his job...however as a public service and because I'm a vicious bastard I offer a few simple Vice Presidential suggestions to the Commander in Chief along with some idle oddsmaking.
Hey it's the silly season in cyberspace too y'know.
Jimmy "Sunshine" Davis: Fmr Governor of Louisiana...okay granted he is dead, but if Florida 2000 teaches us nothing it's the importance of new constituencies among the GOP. In Davis necro-Americans will have a voice in Washington.
3 to 1
Haystacks Calhoun: Dunno if he is alive or dead, don't care. I just love the notion of Veep named "Haystacks" Calhoun....
Odds 5 to I
Andy Dick: Nasty freakjob actor will bring some MTV cred to the ticket. Concert act in which a beer bottle is inserted into an orifice popular in prison might raise a few eyebrows down at Bob Jones University.
Tacky, loud and insecure, the perfect Republican.
Even money.
Gary Bauer: if Andy Dick doesn't wash then Bush can go with this pious mouthy little runt. His main claim to fame will be he makes the President feel tall.
Prime vice presidential qualifications!
Even money
Rep. Helen Chenoweth: the militia movement's idea of Cleopatra. With a constituency full of gun nuts, mad bombers, and irregular rightical chic guerilla movements, Helen is prime mainstream conservative fodder, strident, shrill, humorless and angry. And that 0% rating from the ACLU doesn't hurt either.
At last a Vice President who hates the Bill of Rights more than John Ashcroft!
3 to 1
Last but not least you do need some self loathing allegedly gay demagogue to round out the list. Alas there are none to be found. Jeff Christie isn't qualified for the office (and that sez a lot) and Jack Kemp is just oo old and shopworn.
But Karl Rove will find someone, it's bad enough that George Bush is one heartbeat away from the Presidency.

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