Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Flailing Laura...again.

Y'know it's amazing but Laura Ingraham is just as boring on her own radio show as she is in her frequent appearances on the Imus in the Morning program.
So clearly, the notion that she saves the A-list stuff for her own program is right out the window.
I was shopping in a "publisher's close out" fly by night bookstore one town over and the torpid staff therein had Laura on at peak decibelage.
It had no effect on me, Miss Ingraham is as preposterously dull and repetitive as ever.
She can't even gloat in a interesting or infuriating fashion.
She was trying to suggest in a dispirited fashion that the "Today Show" was a hotbed of pro-Saddam liberals....but it was thin stuff even for this famously undiscerning fembot.
At one point Miss Ingraham was flailing around suggesting that Katie Couric was wearing black out of sympathy for Saddam or some damn thing.
I think Laura needs to adjust the color contrast on her TV.
This is assuming she really is up at that time of morning in a coherent state which I strongly doubt.
Or does everything look like it is in black and white after a long boozy night?
The callers were all a weedy whiny lot and Laura sounded like she had to go to the bathroom real bad.
Dreadful radio all around....nobody sounded happy about anything.
Still ya gotta give her credit, she shakes off the D.T.'s every day, cozies up to the microphone and jabbers away like those jackhammers in her head were a million miles away.

Such is the Kingdom of God
On the Congressionally licensed airwaves
and elsewhere
God Save the Republic.

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