Monday, February 02, 2004

Naked Houston...

There is no better metaphor for the lamentable state of "Homeland Security" than the streaker who briefly disrupted the Super Bowl yesterday.
Pursued ineffectually by a hapless team of police, our naked indictment of the system ran pink and amok before straying too close to Patriots' linebacker Matt Chatham and getting power-slammed to the Houston turf.
"Gloom and doomers" will recall that Tom Ridge and the "H-Men" from the Department of Homeland Security declared the Astrodome a "special security site" before and during the game.
This meant it was a no fly zone and all guarded bythe likes of the Delta Force, the Death's Head Hussars, the Imperial Guard, Caesar's Tenth Legion, th' Black Watch, The Wild Geese, the Sikhs and the Ten Tigers of Kwantung.
All made a mockery of in due course the moment one naked attention-seeker stepped onto the field.
I'm beginning to think that Tom Ridge really can't do anything right on a very basic "Don't-have-Gilligan-do-it" kind of level.
All kidding aside what if that guy had dynamite strapped to his body?
What if he had several like minded accomplices in the stands?
Sure it would've been tough to smuggle dynamite into the stadium....but the proximity to the field and a nationwide audience has a irresistible attraction for the shameless and the homicidal.
Think about that.
But thank Ghod almighty in heaven above no doubt the H-Men down in DC are pulling double shifts right now in order to figure out a high tech test for "potential nakedness."

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