Monday, February 23, 2004

Notorious Fag Icon denounces gay marriage, demands U.S. Presidency...

Boy oh boy how many young gay men tossed off to muscle pics of Arnold Schwarzenegger back in the day?
Those oily gleaming muscles, that pout, those sneering sloe eyes...all very appealing to a boy with decisively homosexual proclivities I'd say.
So it is pretty ironic to think Governor Schwarzenegger is howling with rage at that ever-lengthening line of queers in San Francisco that is applying for marriage licenses.
The Guv rumbles darkly about "unrest" and no doubt fantasizes about leading a tank platoon down Castro Street.
I'm sure some of those men in line out in San Fran are feeling well...betrayed.
Arnie is pretty strategically homophobic for a guy who started out in pro bodybuilding, the gay-est "sport"
on record next to Olympic figure skating.
Oh well it's hopeless to accuse GOPeople like Schwarzenegger of mere hypocrisy...a ruthless self interest and a callow disregard of how they appear to others is the very air these bastards breath.
But wait there is more, having seized the governorship of California in a nicey-nice coup, Arnold is now denouncing article two section five of the U.S. know that pesky little detail that prevents foreign born citizens from becoming President.
Frankly it's this beleaguered little clause that prevents Rupert Murdoch from marching into the White House and acclaiming himself Ming the First, Emperor of the Universe.
This country has been mighty good to a social climbing, money grubbing steroid addled freak like Arnold S.
Mighty good.
We are under no obligation to change our laws to suit his need to rule over the nation, whip in hand, like a plantation overseer.
And if we chose not to extend Presidential qualifications to him, then so be it.
Why should HE have constitution rewritten for his own benefit? No one extended the same courtesy to my saintly old grandfather back when he was fresh off the boat from Ireland.
Alas the incumbent President's favorite senatorial lap-dog is already button-holing congress to pass a constitutional amendment allowing those with twenty year's citizenship to run for President.
Given the fact that only a week ago, John Ashcroft was asking for new restrictions on immigration and suggesting that second generation immigrants should not be automatically enfranchised then we can only hope Senator Hatch's appalling proposal will founder on the rocks of GOP atavism.
Sure and THAT has become the last hope of our once sacred rights and freedoms.


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