Friday, December 24, 2004

Decaf throws his hat in the ring...

all the way from the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee where no doubt he and Tagg keep a lonely vigil looking out of the cold winter swells for unwary boaters to rescue. In truth what else could Mitt do except run for re-election? having been rebuffed by the Admin in his covert quest for a cushy job in DC, nothing else will keep his lackwitted name before the New Hampshire public save running for a second term as Governor of Massachusetts.
Alas though, this is NOT what Governor Romney really wanted for Christmas. Mitt’s attempt to show horn one hundred and thirty supplicants into the state legislature has succeeded only in creating a new class of GOP mendicant for the holiday season. Insufferable when he has the upper hand and utterly laughable when he goes to the dogs, Mitt’s revolting pliability puts Plastic Man to shame.
He is by far spectacularly unsuited to the steady stream of dull details that the governorship offers. His so called leadership is a series of shrill yawlps that inevitably presage the trancelike chanting of Romney’s infallible power-word “reform-reform-reform”. His much praised businessman’s style has yielded up a personal staff that is wildly overpaid, arrogant and amusingly untalented. Meanwhile, the towns and cities of the Commonwealth are starved of state aid like greyhounds on a pre-race diet. Repetitive and tinny, whiny and spiteful, Mitt’s promises are virtual guarantees of failure and inertia. His administrative style starts at torpid and rises only reluctantly to ineptitude.
His “relationship” with the Great and General Court is actually even worse than that of his hated predecessor Jane “Jingle Money” Swift. The ex-governor noted for her fertility, could at least count on a vestige of courtliness from the male dominated House and Senate. Thus Romney has few accomplishments to his name and will likely have little to show for the next two long cold years.
The man is already bored and annoyed by his job, he knows the only game in town is gaining the President’s seal of approval for campaign 2008-in this so far Romney is failure. So quite literally because he has nothing else to do, Romney wants a second term. Empty of any real ideas and just spineless enough to take the remnants of the nation off a cliff, Mit begins his quest for the Presidency right here at home.
Still for all that, Humble Elias rates him a good fifty fifty shot to win in 2006. His roundheads and loyal spartans, the suburban independents, mortgaged to the hilt and desperate show no signs of abandoning his pepsodent smile. He can raise the money just of the basis of being the “only game in town” for the local and national GOP. Lastly, the Scot Lehighs and Brian McGrorys still love him and will do their best to paint Deceive as some sort of nice unthreatening moderate when the time comes.
Yet things aren’t quite so black for Massachusetts’ democrats. 2004 may have rendered up another defeat nationally, but the party demonstrated the ability to successfully fight on two fronts simultaneously, both in local races and in the New Hampshire Presidential race-that can’t be good news for Mitt. There will be plenty of money out there for strong running dems of that be sure. What the opposition lacks is a concise message and of course, the right candidate to put it over.
Time will tell, and Elias Nugator sez, that time begins now.

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