Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Reality floods in...

Anyone else get the impression that La Famiglia Arbusto is faintly annoyed with the tsunami catastrophe in Asia? Bush refuses to leave Crawford Texas on behalf of the worst natural disaster in post war Asian history, he offers a paltry fifteen million disaster aid and gets all pissy when people call him out on it.
Petulant little bastard isn't he?
I think Bush spent fifteen million alone on voter suppression in Ohio and Florida just this year alone.
And not fer' nothing but you'd think for reasons of realpolitik alone La Famiglia Arbusto would go in for a big loud splashy relief effort. Its a painless way to recoup the world's goodwill so recently and wastefully squandered.
Nope not this crew, those are facts and the facts just make their bloated heads hurt it seems.
Herein are the operational limitations on a faith based Presidency...sometimes the truth just doesn't come to Gorver Norquist's meetings.

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