Thursday, December 30, 2004

On liberal hate speech...

Jeff Jacoby has opened up his file folder entitled “Hate Speech” and for the umpty-teenth time found naught but liberals and their ilk within. Of course to fatten the list to column length he does have to quote curious dingbats like Cameron Diaz a girl whose mensa credentials seem to be gathering dust in the dead letter office.
Nevertheless and son of a gun, who’d a thunk it? The Globe must keep our Laughing Young Senescence busy, otherwise he’d surely be able to find one or two token instances of rightical chic hyperbole. Well what of it? Our white Jacobyn had a demanding schedule this year - he can’t be expected to keep up.
If it is hate speech Jeff was really after, he would need go no farther than the post apocalyptic wasteland that is the news message boards. Three clicks and some reactionary somewheres is openly threatening death, genocide, and lobotomy from the safe fastness of cyber anonymity. Even as Humble Elias writes this, someone on one of those boards is openly demandind that all liberals be rounded up and put behind barbed wire.
Jeff could also give a listen to the Stephanie Miller Show on AM 1430 wherein callers with quaint drawls call up and airily fantasize about “bulldozing” Northeastern liberals into the sea. Humble Elias gives that caller a chrome plated “no prize” for evoking a classic anti-Israeli metaphor popular in Nasser’s Egypt back in the day.
Humble Elias will forego mentioning the citizenry of a certain nearby state who felt completely free to call his candidate for high office an “ass hole” among other choice epithets. And then there was that hand scrawled sign at a roadside visibility, the one that asserted “Bin Laden endorses Kerry”...rollicking high spirits from the GOP nothing more, nothing to concern Jeff Jacoby certainly.
Lets face facts though, Jeff doesn’t give two hoots in hell about hate speech, no true Jacobyn does. No, Jeff wants to seize the vacant throne of David Brudnoy and become the Hub’s all purpose principled conservative talking head. Sweetheart book deals, a comfy radio sinecure, ones film preferences fawned over, its an attractive gig for a man with mouths to feed.
Of course to do that he has to somehow come off as an independent free thinker of some type. Alas with freeper drivel like this pouring off his word processor the process of Brudnoyization will be tough sledding. Jeff wants to be seen as independent, but he doesn’t wanna sacrifice his addiction to rightical chic talking points. And anyway, when is Jeff gonna ever exit campaign mode? Does he have a single opinion that hasn’t been vetted for maximum conservative blast effect?
Still and all that what WILL Jeff do when we liberals are hunted to extinction? He'll run out of copy inside a month, without us to flail he has nothing at all.


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