Sunday, December 26, 2004

The ghost Pundit...

History teaches us that the great and the neurotic who wish to be great are sometimes tormented by the shades of that which they most fear. Leon Trotsky was said to have glimpsed Mexican mariachi singers on the edge of the vast proletarian crowds in Russia. Richard Nixon was allegedly tormented by the shade of Robert F. Kennedy who would mock the President’s necktie every morning of the trickster’s misbegotten administration.
And so it is with that laughing young senescence, Jeff Jacoby whose column today cites Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy as the sort of fighting liberals who whose devotion to terrorist preemption was real and palpable. It is ALWAYS a sign of impending intellectual bankruptcy when the righties drag out bygone libs to shore up their policy catastrophes. Its a form of rhetorical thumb sucking the rightical chic indulge whenever the wind starts blowing high through the halls of the Georgetown Think Tanks.
It is also a battered cliché used by GOP activistas to try and peel off a few more “disaffected” democrats whose allegiance might be up for auction. Citing FDR, Truman, and Kennedy is a bit of a dodge though. Faced with disaster in Iraq, Jacoby trots out the victorious liberal warlords and associates today’s failed policy with yesterday’s triumphs. You will notice Jeff passed over that other fighting liberal Lyndon Johnson in silence. In this fashion Jeff bleated ineffectually, “last chance to board the Baghdad Victory Special”-this would be a poorly armored vehicle sadly vulnerable to rocket propelled grenades. Jeff may be running out of ideas, but that doesn’t stop him from campaigning and maneuvering endlessly for some new phantom advantage.
The irony here is, the Jeff Jacoby’s of 1936, 1950 and 1962 HATED Roosevelt, Truman, and Kennedy. FDR was branded as a sick demented dictator, Truman was called a boorish drunk, Kennedy was a spineless commie dupe.
if Jacoby had been a writer in an of those epochs, rest assured he’d a unloaded on the above mentioned presidents with all the brutality he once reserved for John Kerry and Bill Clinton. Alas though, with the Iraqi resistance shelling the Green Zone and blowing up our chow halls, Jeff needs all the imaginary friends he can dream up for this seemingly unending shitstorm.


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