Sunday, December 05, 2004

The Jacobyn's storm the U.N...

In today's breathless spewage, Jeff Jacoby calls the United Nations "...a corrupt institution , one that long ago squandered what moral legitimacy it had".
It would seem that the Globe's Laughing Young Senescence is taking up the old Birch Society crusade to deport and dissolve the U.N.
Cause' full of dictatorships and tyrant coddlers...that is when it isn't wallowing in corruption, depravity, and ineptitude.
Well what of it?
The United States Congress is currently run by wowsers, charlatans, fanatics, and persons who'd happily sell out the nation for as little as hat full of one dollar bills.
Still nobody demands the dissolution of Congress...not yet at least.

Maybe Jeff is working from "the outside in".

Still and all that this IS the old army game in all its unseemly khaki glory. Halliburton and whozis are making gujillions off no bid contracts in to conceal the swinish squeals of favored conglomerates on the make, Jeff and his bilge start up with the war-dance demanding Kofi Annan's wrinkled scalp.

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