Wednesday, June 22, 2005

On Bolton

after a two hour meeting at the White House, Senate Majority Leader Dr. Bill Frist abruptly changed his mind and decided to bring John Bolton Nomination as UN Ambassador before the whole Senate.
Nothing so perfectly illustrates the courtier culture than permeate's today's congress.
And no one so ably embodies the current adolescent political zeitgeist quite like John Bolton. Angry, insufferable, prone to scuttling back to his desk in a vile pout plotting revenge whenever he encounters the slightest debate or opposition, John Bolton would be the heart's joy to rightical chic teenaged boys everywhere.
It comes as no surprise then, he has been nominated to the UN sinecure by a perfect middle aged Brat of a President, himself prone to tantrums and one who'd blow us all to kingdom come if his mommy would let him play with matches.
The praetorian class likes to boast of its inherent maturity, but then consider the teenaged fugues they indulge whenever anyone crosses them.
Grown ups indeed.

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