Thursday, June 23, 2005

Piece and Feedom

So let me get the straight, the much ballyhooed Romney health care Plan essentially boils down to forcibly enrolling the uninsured in HMO's which then clears the way for the State Government to start charging a fee for using the local Emergency Room without insurance.
So really, isn't this yet another one of Mitt's user fee increases? The ones he uses in lieu of a sensible program of taxation?
Who else but Mitt Romney would dare dream up what amounts to a coin operated hospital emergency room.
I'll bet his vicregal majesty is all proud of himself too.

Yeah supposedly everyone will get coverage, but its the usual private and public sector hash which means at the end of the day everyone will be at the dual mercy of grasping HMO accountants & the Cheap-ass Mofos who currently run congress.
Christ no wonder Charlie Baker wants to run for Governor, as a HMO CEO he must realize thars gold in them thar hills!
Okay, I exaggerate but still....

Still, I detect yet another failure in Romney's at best amateur class political sense here. No doubt he believes a big health care bill will burnish his flimsy policy credentials when it comes time to go all out in the 2008 NH Presidential Primary. This is a mistake in Humble Elias opinion, the inhabitants of Barnstead and South Policy Road cordially couldn't care less if every third citizen of the Commonwealth was infected with Typhus. A health care fix here means nothing to New Hampshire, they conflate all government innovation with socialism & high taxes...Mitt's health care proposal as a campaign gimmick, will go over like the proverbial lead balloon, count on it.

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