Wednesday, February 01, 2006

By the Way...

don't tell anyone, keep it on the QT but I think we won on Monday.
Yeah I know, Kennedy and Kerry were only able to swing twenty five votes behind a filibuster bid but stop and think, they whomped that coalition together in something like four days.
If they'd had a full week and a little luck who knows what they could've accomplished?
A progressive block, a resistance center if you will is forming in the US Senate. It isn't coalescing at a speed pleasing to the internet, the personalities aren't net favorites, but it is happening. Our jobs as bloggers and the new media punditariat is to nurture this block and get them in contact with the base.
A transmission belt has been created, up until now, liberal politics on line has been enthusiastic but a top-down phenomenon.
Now however a disparate coalition of bloggers and on line activists pushed the filibuster hard and got results...Feinstein flipped completely to our side and Obama (who wanted to get through this mishaugas unseen I suspect) was forced off the bench and into the fight.
As Stirling Newbury put it, Obama and Feinstein decided to play to the base for once and not curry the goodwill of Chris Matthews and Tim Russert.
Why did they decide to play to the base? Because the blogger community highlighted the issue and pushed it hard.
Not bad for a motley and leaderless bunch of "moon bats".

There is much more to be done though, issues and agendas must be delineated, the transmission belt must be improved and made reliable and efficient. Link all that up with the right coalition of senators and then push the sumbitch hard and we can bring the praetorian class to its knees.

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